Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

My chunky monkey!! & other things to share

Isn't she sweet?? She made for one cute monkey on Halloween! Mason went as a little fisherman...I don't have his page done yet, but hopefully soon! Click here for credits!

For the digi dare this week, we had to scrap our fears. I really pondered about what to scrap...fear of losing another child, fear of getting cancer...but decided to do a light-hearted page this week. So, I scrapped my fear of frogs!

Click here for credits!

I love this layout of Mason...he's getting so big!

Click here for credits!

Let's see...what's been happening in the life of the Penns? The church sent Tyler & I out of town Sunday night for Pastor Appreciation to The Chateau in Bloomington. The kids stayed with Kay & Lee and I know they loved getting spoiled by the grandparents! Tyler & I enjoyed our trip...except we both got sick on Sunday night! Ugh! That's just our luck!! Monday we were both feeling better & spent the day shopping in Bloomington. I was determined to buy myself some new clothes, but walked away with one $10 sweater. Mason got a couple of Christmas presents & Millie got some new clothes.

Tyler has been getting ready for hunting this weekend. He's been practicing with his bow and is hoping to get a deer or two (If he gets one, I am going to have to learn how to cook with deer meat...yucky!!)

Millie is full of smiles these days. She has a sweet little giggle & is such an easy baby. She's eating baby food & you can't feed that kid fast enough!

Mason has to be one of the funniest kids out there. He tries to think of anything silly that he can do. He also tries to think of things he can get into that he's not supposed to. The other day, I told him "no, no!" when he was pulling things out of the drawer in the bathroom. He walked into the other room and came back into the room about a minute later and shook his pudgy finger at me, gave me a "serious" look & told me "No, No!" It was hard tell him he can't tell Mommy no without cracking up! I think the terrible two's are rapidly approacing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the new blog look!

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