Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, January 15, 2007

My first digital convert!!

Kristen Norris came and visited last week and wanted to learn about digital scrapbooking. I just talked to her a little bit ago and she said since she left my house on Friday, she hasn't been to bed before 3 am because she's been scrapbooking! It's super addicting!! We had so much fun when she visited...she showered my kiddos with the sweetest presents and Mason loved the remote control car! It was so good to see her...I hope we can get together more often! (it had been almost 2 crazy is that?)

Let's see...what's been happening in the Penn family? Hmmm...Grandma Penn is in Florida enjoying the 80 degree days. We're quite jealous over here! :) Millie has learned how to roll both directions and is rolling everywhere! Her personality is just blossoming each day...she's so sweet! Mason has become very worried about her cries...he makes sure I know she's crying and he'll go up to her and pat her and say "ok Mimmie. ok" If she's fussing in the car he'll try to talk to her to calm her down and keep telling her "it ok." Isn't that sweet?

I won a New Year's scrapbooking crop last weekend (it was held the weekend after New Years)...I won a couple of gift certicates at some chats and won the prize for completing the most challenges. I was a scrapbooking maniac! Also, I won 3rd place (it's a random drawing, but I'm thrilled) at I got a $5 GC at 3 designer's stores. So, it's been super fun shopping!

Wanna know some thrilling news? Tonight is my last night on dial-up. We have decided to give up the dinosaur dial-up for cable modem. But...we are ditching our satellite TV in order to make that happen. We can't afford both...and I really don't like how much TV Mason watches during the day. So, I think it'll be a good move. He'll still get PBS and he has a whole cabinet full of DVD's so it's not like he'll actually notice, I just feel guilty for getting rid of Nickelodeon and Disney Channel. I haven't watched anything not on the regular prime time channels in forever, so I don't think I'll really notice it being gone much. I'll still have American Idol, The Office, The Gilmore Girls, etc...and I'll be able to scrapbook and not tie up my phone line all of the time! Plus, it won't take me a million years to do what I need to do online! Woohoo!! So, goodbye ESPN, goodbye Backyardigans (I will TOTALLY miss you...going to buy lots of your DVD's for Mason) and goodbye Food Network. Thank goodness Rachel Ray has a talk show now!

I finally got Justin and Amy's wedding pics done and mailed to them last week. I was pretty happy with how they turned out! I would love to get more serious about photography and maybe (maybe) someday venture into the world of photography. I really don't want to go back into teaching and would love the flexibility of photography. Photographing wedding scares me half to death, but I would love to do childrens/family photography (and if I'm ever brave, weddings too). If any of you want me to do some pics of your kids, I'd love to give it a try and see what you think!

Ok, wanna see some new pages? (all of the credits are located in my gallery at digishoptalk if you wanna know where to get any of the goodies that I'm using)

This layout is one of my new favorites. It uses Jessica Bolton's yummy stuff that you can find at Aren't those frames cool?

This layout uses Ashley Olson's new In Like Winter kit found at Love the colors in this kit!

This was for a "bad photo" challenge...not such a bad photo...more like one crazy photo! There's like a million different things hapening here...and it cracks me up! This uses Ashley Olson's new mulled spice kit found at

Isn't she sweet?? It's so hard to believe she was ever this little! to round up a few more pics from Justin and Amy's wedding for you!


Melissa said...

The wedding pictures look great!

You can take pictures of Camden anytime! :)

Anonymous said...

show me some pics of that cute little museum party! and I want the frames that are on those pics of Millie! I hope you guys had a great party day!
Love Jessica

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