Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Really?? Two already??

Whew! What an insano week this has been! So sorry for not keeping this thing updated, but hey, with two kids it's amazing I get anything done, right? :)

It's official...Mason is now two years old!! How can that be? Where did my little 3 pounder go? He's now a 33 pound little boy...who no longer looks like a baby! I don't know why, but turning two wasn't easy on this mommy. I guess at 1 you're still considered a we're a little boy! I would ask him “What do you want for your birthday?” He’d say “Daddy!” I’d say “What else do you want for your birthday?” He’d smile and reply “Mommy!” Now, those are the moments that just melt your heart and let you know you must be doing something right as a parent.

On Friday, we took Mason to the doctor for his 2 year check up (the doctor proclaimed him "perfect!") and then went to pick up some balloons. We took the balloons to Miles' grave along with some little fish decorations. Mason had a lot of fun releasing the balloons. We let him do all four of them. He would grab one and then throw it up in the air as fast as he could. He would "wow!" and watch it float away. Mason didn’t love the idea of leaving the fish there…he wanted to take them with him. But, we distracted him with other balloons and he got over it. Mason was really impressed with the “choo choo” that’s engraved on Miles’ grave. He thought that was pretty cool. We sang happy birthday and it really ended up being a sweet time together as a family. We then went to Triple Dog Dare Ya for lunch and then came home to open presents. He got some more stuff for his train that he got for Christmas (more track and a super cool tunnel) and a Tonka fire truck. He was one happy two year-old. After playing with his new toys for awhile, he took a nap and then we went over to Grandma & Grandpa Penn’s since the whole family was in. We had some cake over there and some yummy Monical’s pizza. It really was a fun day!

Saturday was the big birthday party at The Children’s Museum. That place is so much fun. We had Elmo cupcakes & then Mason opened his presents (did we not just have Christmas??…our house has been taken over by toys!) After presents, the kids got to play in the museum for about an hour and a half. Mason LOVED it! (I promise pictures of all of these events are forthcoming…I just want to try to get them scrapped first! J ) We went out to lunch and then came home and crashed!! I think I’m still trying to recover!

Sundays are always busy around here. We get the kids ready and off to church we go. I’m so grateful for nursery on Sunday mornings! After church, we go to lunch at Kay & Lee’s and then home for naps for the kids (and usually some scrapbook time for me!) Tyler watched the Bears game (and I’d catch the highlights). Tyler’s thrilled the Bears are going to the Super Bowl! Sunday nights are starting to be such a challenge for me. I get us all ready for church and we go and Mason is way too loud to be in service. There’s no nursery on Sunday nights, so it’s usually me sitting in the nursery thinking “I got dressed up for this?” Kay actually took Mason into the nursery this Sunday (I think she felt compassion for him as he screamed his way out of the sanctuary!)

Tyler is playing in a church basketball league on Monday nights. So far they are undefeated and having a lot of fun. I haven’t been brave enough to take the kids (plus, the last 2 games have been at 8:30 at night, and that’s their bed time). I’m glad he’s getting to have some fun with the guys…and I usually get some scrapbooking done while he’s gone!

Ok…here’s what happening in the digital scrapbooking world (it’s my little corner of the world…and I love it!)

I’m on a creative team for Andrea Burns! (see her blog here: ) She sells at and has some really great stuff! I’m totally honored to be a part of her team! I was thrilled to receive that e-mail this week!

Also…I’m a guest creative team member for Gina Miller ( Look here Pretty cool, huh?? I'm getting to create with some amazing much fun!! It’s definitely a dream come true! She is releasing new goodies left and right, and I’m lovin’ it! I am still pinching myself to see if it’s all really true!

Blogger is acting really quirky, so I'm going to try to hurry up and add some pics before it crashes again (this is my 5th time trying to post this!)

Here's some pictures of Mason from last winter that I scrapped using Andrea Burns' Winter's Grace kit (found at

The papers/elements used on this page are from the creative team sampler for Andrea. Look at how little Millie was here! Aren't these pictures sweet?

This is a picture from Christmas morning...Millie loved her piano!

These pictures are by Jessica Hollis (link on the right...check out her new pics...they are great!) The kit I used is by Jessica Bolton (

And...better late than are some pics from Halloween! Mason was a fisherman! I used some papers by Ashley Olson and a bunch of other fun goodies!

You can always see the full credits for my layouts at my gallery at!

(and the kiddos are still sleeping! Maybe I can get some pics from his party done to post!) :) I'll just leave you in suspense and keep checking my blog. They'll be up soon!


Shannon said...

Happy birthday to your little cutie. Those are some great lo's! :)

Anonymous said...

mason is growing up on me. its so sad!! He is such a cutie though!!

love auntie abbie

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