Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, May 18, 2007

What? She's one already?

How is it that time flies by so quickly? Our little Millie turned one yesterday!! I am now the mommy of a one year old and a two year old (doesn't that sound crazy? It's definitely busy! LOL!!) We didn't do much was pretty chilly around here, but we are going to visit the NICU today and do a little shopping & the party is tomorrow! (I have soooo much to do between now & then!)

Thank you so much to those of you who voted for my layout last week! This week's layout is up and I forgot to put it on my blog. You have until TONIGHT (friday night!) to vote! :) (Nothing like last minute, huh?) I'll try to get the next one on sooner! (This is a four week competiton)'s this week's layout:

And you can vote for it here! (Just click on the word "here!")

Thanks so much!! I have lots of new photos of Millie (even in a tutu!) that I'm going to try to get uploaded in the next day or two (but with a busy couple of days, it may have to wait until Sunday!)

Love you all & hope you have a great weekend!


Shandy said...

with a 1 AND 2 year old.. yep.. I'd say you are DEFINITLEY a busy mama!! Your LO for the QOTC looks AMAZING!!!!! You are one gifted scrapper!
I've totally enjoyed myself here at your blog reading down through several of your posts... yes, there was a TON of love for you and Miles over the past little bit. What a wonderful community we belong to!
have a fantastic weekend and good luck in the contest!

SarahB said...

Happy birthday to your sweet little Millie! (I've got a 1 and a 2 year old too.)

Great looking layout! Best of luck in the competition!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to Millie!! You truly are a talentrd scapper! Love ya Kellie!!

Azrood said...

Happy Birthday Millie! I know how crazy it is to have a 1 and 2 year old at the same time, but it definately gets easier - I promise! I love the new layout and can't wait to see the tutu picture!

Mommy Spice said...

Happy birthday Millie!!!! :) May is the best month for birthdays. ;)

Good luck on QOTC!!!

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