Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Ella Ella Bo Bella...

It's so hard to believe you're getting ready to turn 3!! Thanks for letting me go on an adventure with you the other day! Here's a few pics from our day...I'll get the rest to you tonight!

Happy Early Birthday! xoxo

1 comment:

Michelle Filo said...

oh what a sweetie :) happy b-day to her!
I LOVED the photos! on the previous post too, you have some mad skills honey, they are gorgeous! what a shame I don't live closer ;)
I couldn't see your shutterfly album, the link takes me to my profile there for some reason... send it to me when you have some time, I am curious :) and congratulations on 8 years!!! Here it will be 8 too, in September :)
talk soon!

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