Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Lincoln Balloon Festival

Tonight we went to the Lincoln Balloon Festival. We kept hearing it might rain, but the doppler was showing everything to the north & it was sunny outside so we headed out. Once we arrived at the airport in Lincoln, it started to rain. My camera and I hid out in a booth until it stopped raining. I didn't want my camera to get wet! (I think my camera needs a name...any suggestions? LOL!) Because of the rain and storms in the area, they weren't able to release the hot air balloons like they normally do. Instead, they started the program an hour later and had the balloons fly from one end of the field to the other, then they did a glow show at dusk. It was so pretty getting to watch them light up & the kids loved watching them up in the sky. They were so fascinated by the fire part! :) We definitely want to go back next year and watch the balloons fly higher in the sky!


Amanda said...

That looks like so much fun! I would love to take the kid to one of those! Love the page also!

Melissa said...

What a fun colorful page! That looks like a great activity!

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