Shabby Miss Jenn

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Teran....this is for you!! :)

The other night at our Sunday School class party, we got to talking about old TV shows/songs we loved & we got to talking about Perfect Strangers!

I had to do some digging around and I found these!

And...if you want to view lots of Perfect Strangers episodes, just click here & get ready to re-live the early 90's!

and how about a little If I Had No Loot for ya? :)

Good times!! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh, I did always think that Balky was so silly! By the way, I was in Kohl's today and I heard "If I had no loot" on the muzak above me-no lie!!! I was also singing along-no lie!!! :)

Jessica said...

This makes me laugh,A LOT! because just about a month ago, I was telling the youth group kids about this show! I was of course, appalled that they didn't know what I was talking about, and realized that it made me old! Anyway, I did a search for Larry & Balki's happy dance, showed it to them on You Tube, and then Kayla and John Palmer practiced it for the rest of the night!!

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