Shabby Miss Jenn

Monday, May 05, 2008

My grandparents were on David Letterman!

My Uncle Sean is amazing...he has a zillion photos on Istock and they are showing up everywhere! My Grandma and Grandpa's pic was on the David Letterman show on the 21st of April. Click on this link and forward it to the 8:20 mark where it talks about longevity. My grandparents are the second couple, huh?

And, if you click on this link for ABC news, they are on there, too.

Gotta love my famous Grandparents!! Congrats Sean...I'm constantly amazed by your work!


Jessica said...

That is really cool! How does Sean know where his work ends up?

Alice said...

This is soooo cool ! Congrats to your cousins and to your grand parents !!!

Emily said...

I have the same question as Jessica? How did he find out? Does he have a website?

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank you for showing me how to start my own blog, I love reading yours (I met you on TB). That is awesome that your grandparents were part of David Letterman. I have a question for you. I really want to start learning how to do digital scrapbooking. I love all of them from your blog. I would like to do something like this onto my blog.

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