Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, May 02, 2008

Vacation--Day 1

I know I said I'd update last night, but I forgot Lost was on! :) was one crazy episode! Did you know that you can watch all of the seasons (1-4) on I HIGHLY recommend them!

Ok...back to vacation recap. I'm going to try to do it day by day. This will hopefully help me remember details when I scrapbook!

On Sunday, we went to church with our friends Kevin and Valerie, and then we went to Valerie's dad's farm. They grilled yummy porkchops and lunch was soooo good! Then, Mason & Millie rode around on the Gator, the tractor (with the planter attached) and on a horse. Mason loved every minute of it. It really makes me wish we lived out in the country. It was so nice to not be in town and just let the kids run around. The weather was gorgeous & we all had such a wonderful time together. Valerie's dad, Kevin, was so sweet with Mason. Mason adored him and followed him around. Mason made sure he wore his overalls and John Deere boots to the farm, too. It's unbelievable at just how much this kid is fascinated by farming! We stayed until late afternoon when the kids started getting tired.

Here's some pictures from our day:

After we got home, we ate dinner and then went to visit Miles' grave. Mason took Miles a John Deere tractor and Millie took flowers. We showed Mason Miles' book and he kept saying "I want to see Miles" "Where's Miles?" "Miles is my brother? I want to see him!" But we just kept saying that Miles is in Heaven with Jesus, and he would say "But why?" and you know what...I don't know how to answer it. I don't know why.

We went home and spent the rest of the night packing to get ready to head to Moline! (aka Home of John Deere)

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