Shabby Miss Jenn

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

5 generations

I had the honor of photographing a 5 generation photo tonight. I have a 5 generation photo of my grandmother when she was young and I treasure it...I love it that Billy will have one of him with his family, too! I'm pretty sure Granny Vest is 96 years old and will be having a birthday before too long. It seems we went to her 90th birthday party not long after we moved to Decatur and that was almost 7 years ago...I could be wrong, but I believe she's 96. Doesn't she look wonderful? She is such a sweet, sweet lady!

Thank you all so much for allowing me to spend time with you tonight and capture your sweet family. Billy is ADORABLE!!!

Here's a little sneak peek from our session tonight:

I love the varying ages of hands in this beautiful!

Don't his eyes just sparkle?

This is one proud grandma!! (with every right to be...he's so cute!)

Billy with Mom & Dad

getting some kisses...not sure he's loving it! :)

and this photo *almost* makes me want another baby. Can't you just feel how much this mommy loves her little guy? It melts my heart!

Thanks again for letting me hang out with you all tonight! I can't wait to sit and edit the rest of these...Billy was a great little model!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

My fave is the hands, so cute and such a good idea, especially with the baby and the old hand in there....awesome!
How'd you do running today? :)

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