Shabby Miss Jenn

Friday, July 11, 2008

It's been 6 weeks...

and I've kept up with the running schedule! WOOHOO! Today was a big milestone for me...I ran for 20 minutes with no walking breaks. 20 minutes really felt like such a long time, and I don't think I've ever sweated so much in my entire life! It didn't help that it was so hot and humid this morning, either. But...I did it! After I was done, I was doing a little cool down walk and the garbage truck drove by. I already wasn't feeling well after my run & then the smell of the garbage truck sure wasn't helping matters. I saw my neighbor was I did everything within my powers not to throw up right there in his yard. I went home, grabbed some water & then cooled and calmed down. I am pretty stinkin' proud of myself, though!

I don't have a ton of time right now, but I wanted to share a few scrapbook layouts with you! :)

I LOVE this picture of Abbie. I'm impressed with her jumping skills...I can get like 6 inches off of the floor! LOL!

Here's my niece Libby...isn't she beautiful?

This is a layout I've been putting off feels so good to get it done!

We constantly have dirty feet after playing outside around here!

This is one of those pictures that will make my kids gag when they get older:

Millie, Maddie Kate, and Ava being silly:

My crazy kiddos:

My John Deere obsessed little one:

Mason & his buddy, Reuben.


Anonymous said...

You say "John Deere obsessed little one", like Mason is the only one obsessed with John Deere. You must have forgotten what Millie thinks her name is!

Fantacy so Sweet-n-Stuff... said...

:) CONGRATS! and WAY TO GO! (I think if I ran for 20 minutes straight in the um or anywhere!...they would have to send a tow truck to get my butt back home!)
Your layouts are GORGEOUS! and my absolute fave is the 20 dirty toes one (might have to scraplift that ;) ).....:) I have gotten so much inspiration from your blog on so many levels :) ty ty ty!

Michelle Filo said...

YAY I am so happy for you!!!
Girl, and look at this blog!! There is so much eye candy in here. Not only the stunning pages in this post but look at the amazing photography too :) When I grow up (as a photographer), I want to be like you :)

Anonymous said...

i love those pics you scrapped! they are too cute! i can't wait till millie and mas come spend some time with us!
love you sister!

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