Shabby Miss Jenn

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

A Family Reunion

I was able to photograph the sweetest family this past weekend! They wanted a large family photo done and also some individual family pictures. They were all such good sports about having their pictures taken...and I learned that Aiden can be bribed with the promise of ice cream! (I need to use that trick with my Mason!)

Here's a couple of pictures from their session:

I'll have the rest of them ready for you, soon! Thanks for allowing me to spend the evening with your family!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for creating this wonderful memory for my family. We are extremely thankful for the patience you showered on us that Your work is brillant and I cannot wait to order my pictures from you. Thank you again. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Woops I didn't mean to mark my comment as Anonymous!

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