Shabby Miss Jenn

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Olivia Grace

On Thursday night, I had the honor of photographing little Miss Olivia Grace. Olivia's mommy, Jessica, and I have been friends since the sixth grade. (Which really doesn't seem all that long ago!) Jessica has been friends with me through all of my highs and lows & I truly treasure her friendship...and I like to think I had a hand in getting Darren and Jessica together. :) You'll have to ask her for details on that story...but, let's just say I have some sweet dance moves! haha!

Darren and Jessica, thank you for allowing me to photograph Olivia! She is so beautiful and I loved watching you guys love on her...she is truly lucky to have such wonderful parents! (and, how fun that she got Jessica's dimples!)

Here's a few pictures from our night (and one of Gordy! I swear, that dog loved to pose!) I'll get the rest of them to you soon!

Introducing Olivia Grace:

Doesn't this one of Olivia in her daddy's hands just melt your heart?

Olivia's sweet feet:

and Gordy...

I went home and told Tyler how much I loved this dog...I think I *need* an Italian Greyhound! I couldn't get over how sweet he was! (of course, I left wanting a baby too...but I don't see that happening any time in the near future!)

Thanks again, Miss Olivia, for being so willing to be my little newborn model! I love you bunches! xoxo


Emily said...

These are so sweet. You did a great job & Olivia is such a cutie!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE those pictures! I can't wait to see the rest! It may just be me, but my kid is pretty darn cute (and so is my dog)!

I certainly do have you to thank for getting Darren & I together!

Great job, Kellie! (See why the shameless plug was necessary?)

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