Shabby Miss Jenn

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Well, I can't pass up a good bargain!!

A couple of weeks ago, had a 40% off coupon off of their already discounted items. So, I went ahead and got the kids some pj's, tshirts, lounge chairs, toys, costumes, and some Christmas stuff...for a little over $70. It was crazy how much stuff I was able to get!

Our favorite purchase from that day was...

Mason has already worn it quite a bit...and cries when it's time to take it off for bed! I'll be surprised if it lasts until Halloween! It's funny to hear him say "to inbembidy and beyond!" (To infinity and beyond!) There are some other Buzz lightyear toys I'm eyeing, but I'm waiting for them to go on sale cheaper. We did find a Buzz lightyear figure at a garage sale the other day for a $1.00. It still looked pretty new & it worked. Mason likes to sleep with him (even though he's plastic) and he'll roll over on him at night and you can hear Buzz talking through the house.

This morning I checked my e-mail and there was an e-mail from about costumes being on sale. Well...I had to check again....I mean, I really can't pass up a good bargain, right? I had a $25 gift card to the disney this all ended up costing $5 plus ship/tax. I ordered Millie (and the plan is to save these for Christmas to give to her as dress up clothes)...

Tinkerbell (it was only $10)

And this Belle outfit is reversible. It was $60...on sale for $10. These are way cheaper that the dress up clothes at Wal-Mart!

I can't wait to see Millie dressed up as Belle! (Ok...truth be told, I bet I can't wait until Christmas. I'm already envisioning a photo shoot with her in it!)

Oh, and Mason saw this online and went nuts over it. So, Santa has already been told and it's on its way! :) It feels so good to already have some Christmas shopping done...and it's just the end of July!

Pretty cute stuff, huh?

And...if the kids are getting something, Mommy needs something too...

On Sunday I ordered myself...

I know you're thinking...didn't she just order a new camera not that long ago? Well, I did...and I bought it knowing I was going to save up for this one. I kept saving my money & was finally able to get this one! The battery is charged up and I'm ready to go and play! My old (well...old as in 4 months old) camera will be my back up for weddings/photography sessions.

Ok...enough about my shopping spree! This week has been pretty crummy for me. I came back from the nationals with a sore throat that just wouldn't go away. I didn't feel like running since I couldn't even I haven't ran all week. (and I'm feeling so guilty about it!) It got so bad I just started crying in the kitchen yesterday when trying to drink my juice. I called the doctor and went to get checked yesterday...and I have strep throat! I swear I haven't had strep since I was like 10! So, I got some antibiotics and am starting to feel a little better today.

Well, my new camera is calling my name! The kids are out on the boat with Tyler, his parents, and some people from I have some quiet time to play! (I figured they all didn't want strep throat so I stayed home!)

1 comment:

Angela @ Honey, I Shrunk the Mom said...

Kellie, can you give me a link to where you found that great bow and arrrow? Thanks! :)

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